Sandro Zendralli The Creative Impulse Alan Jones, Electa, 2014 "...Today I broke into color, the ones that come from inside of me without any connection to my past, only the positive aspects come out. Though I always carry the memory of those very nice periods of my life, the capability of being able to live on little, and to adapt to any kind of situation. / Oggi ho cambiato completamente e uso i colori, quelli che provengono dal profondo del mio essere, senza alcun collegamento con il mio passato. Sono solo gli aspetti positivi che affiorano. Tuttavia porto sempre con me i ricordi di questi periodi molto belli della mia vita, la capacità di vivere con poco e di adattarsi a ogni situazione..." What was it that struck you the first time you saw Sandro Zendralli's paintings? The authenticity of his expression. His work possesses a sincerity, an inevitability, all its own, a geistliche herausforderung, a challenge to our perceptions. Or I could use a simpler term: Zendrallity.  Content: 1. ENCOUNTER WITH LANDSCAPE 2. PRELUDE 3. THE PLACE OF PAINT 4. VARIATION ON A THEME 5. HAND TO HAND 6. FINALE DI UN QUADRO 7. THE PASSING OF TRAINS 8. ARNOLDO MARCELLIANO ZENDRALLI 9. THE DREAM TO BUILD 10. THE HOUSE OF THE DOCTOR 11. STARTING FROM ZERO 12. THE APPROACH TO PAINT 13. STRAVINSKY AND HANNIBAL 14. THE ABODE OF HERMAN HESSE 15. VISTA & INTER VISTA 16. LANDSCAPE 17. IN THE NAME OF ORPHEUS 18. PARALLELOGRAMS & ARABESQUES 19. ALL'OSTERIA DEGLI ARTISTI MANIFESTO Z |